Wild Rift Boosting

Wild Rift Boosting

Leading LoL Wild Rift Placement Boost Service

Last Rank
Please select your Last Known Rank and Division
Number of games
Please select your desired number of games
10 Game(s)
10 Placement matches Unranked
Total amount
23,4 $
Ungefähre Fertigstellungszeit 1-2 Tage
Placmenets Guarantee
We guarantee 7/10 wins in your placements
If the booster loses more than 3 games you will receive 2 extra wins for each additional loss. If the booster goes one division up after placement games, your boost will be counted as completed.
Unsere Merkmale
Warum BoostRoyal?
Offline erscheinen
Offline erscheinen
Keiner deiner Freunde wird den Booster sehen, der auf deinem Konto spielt.
Ihr Konto bleibt mit unserem fortschrittlichen VPN-System sicher.
Verfolgen Sie Ihre Bestellung effizient und mühelos über den Kundenbereich.
Kostenlose Zusatzoptionen
Kostenlose Zusatzoptionen
Benutzerdefinierte Rollen und Champions, VPN und Offline-Modus gehören zum Standard.
Erhalten Sie erhebliche Rabatte, Cashback-Belohnungen auf alle Bestellungen und kostenlose LoL-Accounts.
24/7 Live-Unterstützung
24/7 Live-Unterstützung
Verlassen Sie sich auf unser professionelles Support-Team 24/7.
Wie kauft man?
Ein müheloses Rankingverfahren.
Wählen Sie Ihren bevorzugten Service
Wählen Sie zunächst Ihr Spiel und die Methode, um aufzusteigen. Es gibt verschiedene Wege, um Ihr gewünschtes Ziel zu erreichen. Wählen Sie den Weg, der am besten zu Ihren Bedürfnissen passt. Sie können jederzeit mit uns im Live-Chat sprechen, wenn Sie Hilfe benötigen.
Kostenlose zusätzliche Anpassungen.
Intuitiver und unkomplizierter Kaufprozess.
Get started
1- Dienst auswählen
Wählen Sie Ihren gewünschten Dienst aus und passen Sie ihn an.
2- Vollständige Zahlung
Wählen Sie Ihre bevorzugte Zahlungsmethode.
3- Rank-up
Verfolgen Sie Ihre Bestellung und chatten Sie live mit Ihrem Booster.
Unsere Gemeinschaft
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Frequently Asked Questions
What is LoL WR Boosting?

It refers to the process of increasing the rank of an LoL WR account with the help of a professional high-elo employee (booster).

How does it work?

After purchasing, one of our employees accepts your boost and begins working on your account. He will start to win ranked games until he reaches your desired rank following your specific order details.

Is my account safe?

Boostroyal has perfected all the safety features, including VPN and a range of additional safety measures over its ten years of operation. Boostroyal remains the safest LoL Boost, WR Boost, and LoL Account Buying service available.

What if I have more questions?

Do not hesitate to contact us on live chat or through our numerous other contact methods, including social media, phone, or more.

A New Era of Mobile Gaming & Boosting

LoL Wild Rift, the highly anticipated mobile version of the legendary PC title, has finally arrived. RIOT has timed its release perfectly as in today's fast-paced world, millions of people choose their phones as a primary device when it comes to playing. The increasing trend of mobile gaming comes with no surprises as the phenomenon offers more convenience and makes playing possible on the go. With the launch, the most successful PC game in history is now available on mobile. RIOT has revolutionized online gaming once again, this time on our smartphones.

LoL WR Placement Boost: The solution

As a player, your ultimate goal is to dominate and win every match you play while boosting your rank as high as possible. It is important to note that LoL WR is a 5v5 competitive MOBA game, making the outcome of every match extremely teammate dependent. While it requires great game knowledge, excellent hand and finger coordination to reach high ranks in the game, in the end, it will all come down to teammates. With this in mind, these strategies are not always enough in ELO hell to reach your desired rank. If you are frustrated with bad teammates and planning on playing higher quality matches with players having the same skills and mindset as you, our premium LoL WR Placement Boost will suit you perfectly.

Advantages of Wild Rift Placement Boosting

Wild Rift Placement Boost's main advantage is that you can buy a fixed amount of placement wins and play in professional and more entertaining games. Getting a boost does not only boosts your gameplay and entertainment but saves you from a lot of frustration and wasted time with low teammates. Our professional boosters are highly knowledgeable and understand all aspects of carrying each game even if they get a feeder or AFK in their team. They coordinate well regardless of the lower teammates and use unique strategies to win matches producing a high win-rate and quick rank-up progress on your account. LoL WR Placement Boost allows you to buy placement wins at any rank in the game, including Diamond and above. Playing on higher ranks of the game enables you to face better and more exciting challenges and better experience playing on your smartphone.

Advantages of Wild Rift Boost on BoostRoyal

Boostroyal provides the highest standards in the boosting segment. Over its ten plus years of operation, it has perfected all aspects of service quality. Opting for BoostRoyal's services will grant you the feeling of over satisfaction. Our team's goal is to exceed any expectations and overachieve in all aspects of our services. Other than the ten years of practice, we offer a wide range of advantages that maximize service experience. BoostRoyal's exceptional live support and professional booster team are at your service 24/7 to take care of your concerns and help you if you experience any difficulties at the game.